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The Mig on Chess Archive Index
For better or for worse, here they are. New ones are added in no particular order when time allows.
#1 - 12.12.97
FIDE KO WCh. Seirawan crushes Ivanchuk. Posted at rgcm then at TWIC. The rest is history.
#2 - 13.12.97
FIDE KO WCh. Do GMs play by classical rules? Piket stomps Topalov, annotations by Capablanca.
#3 - 14.12.97
FIDE KO WCh. Knock-out tournament strategies. Ehlvest-Sadler. Here begins the hackneyed use of pithy quotations at the start of each article.
#4 - 15.12.97
FIDE KO WCh. Do we spend too much time on chess? Svidler-Epishin. I was delighted when I was told that Svidler mentioned me in New in Chess. (Mostly to point out my bad analysis.)
#5 - 16.12.97
FIDE KO Wch. Is there luck in chess? Anand-Khalifman.
#6 - 16.12.97
FIDE KO Wch. Welcome to the big money rounds. Zvjaginsev-Seirawan.
#86 - 21.1.99
Wijk aan Zee. Kasparov's brilliancy against Topalov. The first "Migstradamus" reference.
#116 - 13.4.99
Dos Hermanas rounds 4&5. The Chicken Factor is born! Svidler agrees to draw with forced win on the board against Anand.


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